While 'mbd focuses on providing the most advanced ML-powered personalization and moderation as a service, if you are developing a Farcaster client, Neynar offers a comprehensive range of APIs that covers all other needs for building a Farcaster client.

Our /for-you and /trending feeds are also integrated into Neynar's service through their /for_you and /trending APIs. If you need to use our service through Neynar, here is a quick guide on how to do it and things to watch out for.


  1. You will need to have a Neynar API key and have the Neynar SDK setup (see the top sections of Neynar's Quickstart Guide)
  2. It is probably helpful if you first read about our /for-you and /trending APIs, as you will be passing the same filter parameters through Neynar to us, and our docs will have the most up-to-date options.

🔖 Things to Note:

  • Neynar's SDK only passes the "filters" parameter to mbd, and thus impression_count can't be supported through Neynar at the moment
  • top_k is specified through the limit parameter when calling Neynar
  • AI labels are not available through Neynar at the moment

Getting a for-you feed

You can get a for-you feed by either:

  1. using Neynar's SDK, or
  2. calling Neynar's API directly

1. Getting an 'mbd for-you feed using Neynar's SDK

'mbd for-you API filter reference: https://docs.mbd.xyz/reference/post_casts-feed-for-you

Using mbd's for-you through Neynar simply involves:

  1. Defining mbd filters in the exact same format as you would when directly calling mbd's for-you API as providerMetadata
  2. Calling Neynar SDK's fetchFeedForYou() function, specifying mbd as the provider, and passing the filter values as providerMetadata constructed in step 1

Sample code:

import { NeynarAPIClient, Configuration } from "@neynar/nodejs-sdk";
import { ForYouProvider } from "@neynar/nodejs-sdk/build/api";

const config = new Configuration({
    apiKey: process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY // your Neynar API key
const client = new NeynarAPIClient(config); 

// Step 1 - specify the filter parameters for /for-you
const metadata = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
    "filters": {
        "ai_labels": aiLabels; // see example definition at the bottom of this page

        //uncomment to try more filter params
        //"author_ids": activeAuthorIds; // see example definition at the bottom of this page
        //"channels": popularChannels; // see example definition at the bottom of this page

async function fetchFeed(userFid: number) {
   // Step 2 - call fetchFeedForYou(), specifying mbd as provider, and 
   //          passing in the filter params constructed as metadata above
    const feed = await client.fetchFeedForYou({
        fid: userFid,
        provider: ForYouProvider.Mbd, // 'mbd' can work if you run into import errors
        providerMetadata: metadata       

    console.log(`Feed for user ${userFid}:`, feed);

// fetch for-you feed for Dan Romero (fid 3) 

2. Getting an 'mbd for-you feed by directly calling Neynar's API

'mbd for-you API filter reference: https://docs.mbd.xyz/reference/post_casts-feed-for-you

Using mbd's for-you by directly calling Neynar's API works very similar to using Neynar, but without the need to install Neynar SDK. These are the simple steps:

  1. Defining mbd filters in the exact same format as you would when directly calling mbd's for-you API as providerMetadata
  2. Calling Neynar's for_you API's specifying mbd as the provider, and providerMetadata constructed in step 1, as part of the URL query string

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

// Step 1 - specify the filter parameters for /for-you
const provider_metadata = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
  "filters": {
        "ai_labels": aiLabels; // see example definition at the bottom of this page
        //uncomment to try more filter params
        //"author_ids": activeAuthorIds; // see example definition at the bottom of this page
        //"channels": popularChannels; // see example definition at the bottom of this page

// Step 2 - set up the url to call for_you API, specifying mbd as provider, and 
//.         passing in the filter params constructed as metadata above
const url = `https://api.neynar.com/v2/farcaster/feed/for_you?fid=3&viewer_fid=2&provider=mbd&limit=10&provider_metadata=${provider_metadata}`;

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'accept': 'application/json',
    'api_key': process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY // your Neynar API key

// fetch the feed
fetch(url, options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error('error:', error));

Some sample filter values for experimentation:

// for ai_labels filter param

const aiLabels = [
    // topics
    "arts_culture", "business_entrepreneurs", "celebrity_pop_culture",
    "diaries_daily_life", "family", "fashion_style", "film_tv_video",
    "fitness_health", "food_dining", "gaming", "learning_educational",
    "music", "news_social_concern", "other_hobbies", "relationships",
    "science_technology", "sports", "travel_adventure", "youth_student_life",

    // sentiment
    "positive", "neutral", "negative",

    // emotion
    "anger", "anticipation", "disgust", "fear", "joy", "love", "optimism",
    "pessimism", "sadness", "surprise", "trust",

    // moderation
    "llm_generated", "spam", "sexual", "hate", "violence", "harassment",
    "self_harm", "sexual_minors", "hate_threatening", "violence_graphic",

    // web3_topics
    "web3_nft", "web3_defi", "web3_infra", "web3_industry", "web3_consumer"


// for channels filter param

const popularChannels = [
    'chain://eip155:7777777/erc721:0x4f86113fc3e9783cf3ec9a552cbb566716a57628', // Farcaster (farcaster)
    'https://superrare.com', // SuperRare (superrare)
    'https://onchainsummer.xyz', // Base (base)
    'chain://eip155:1/erc721:0xca21d4228cdcc68d4e23807e5e370c07577dd152', // Zora (zora)
    'chain://eip155:7777777/erc721:0x10a77f29a6bbeae936f3f27cd60546072dae4e41', // Warpcast (warpcast)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/itookaphoto', // I Took a Photo! (itookaphoto)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/replyguys', // reply guys (replyguys)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/phaver', // phaver (phaver)
    'chain://eip155:1/erc721:0xec0ba367a6edf483a252c3b093f012b9b1da8b3f', // Food (food)
    'https://ethereum.org', // Ethereum (ethereum)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/base-builds', // base-builds (base-builds)
    'chain://eip155:7777777/erc721:0xf6a7d848603aff875e4f35025e5c568679ccc17c', // Nature (nature)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/airstack', // Moxie Official (airstack)
    'chain://eip155:1/erc721:0x7dd4e31f1530ac682c8ea4d8016e95773e08d8b0', // dev (dev)
    'https://warpcast.com/~/channel/clankers' // Clankers (clankers)

// for author_ids filter param

const activeAuthors = [

// casts created by people the current user_id is following
const currentUserFollowing = ["/user/user_id/following"];

// casts created by people Dan Romeo is following
const danFollowing = ["/user/3/following"];